An invitation to slow down for a moment and meet each other here and now...
Je eigen ritme voelen temidden van...
Ondersteuning krijgen in dat wat is...
Even stoppen met : moeten
proberen te aanvaarden
Even op adem komen
Even voelen dat je belangrijk bent
elkaar ontmoeteN
There s no doubt that we are sentient before conception and in the womb..Neurobiological research shows that our early experiences create powerful imprints.These can affect our relationships with the world and disconnect and influence us for a long time (sometimes for the rest of our lives).
Consciousness precedes the physical development of the brain itself and medical interventions during birth-like forceps, cesareans and other-can have long lasting effects.
When we speak about early experiences we refer to the time before conception to the first 24 months after the birth.
Together we explore these early imprints with the understanding that while our past cannot be changed, integrating these experiences can have a powerful and lasting effect on our physiology, emotional, and mental states as well as our relationships.
It can feel like working on our we follow the origin of our current problem back to these early beginnings we can have a profound and healing effect..
Just to say that putting our attention to these early times healing can happen on all the layers before and after that foundation.